Now, clicking the Store link will open the new Xbox Store interface inside the app, instead of opening the Windows Store app, where you can search and find games for Windows 10 and Xbox One. The company is also adding improvements to make it easier for users to find games and redeem codes. Once you’re done recording your clip you can share it with commentary to your friends on Xbox Live through the Xbox app, social network, or through an option in your PC. And if you like personalizing your Game DVR hotkeys and want to customize the microphone recording hotkey, do it here: Game bar > Settings > Shortcuts or Xbox beta app > Settings > Game DVR > Keyboard shortcuts. Want to turn microphone recording on for all gaming sessions? Go to Game bar > Settings > Audio or Xbox beta app > Settings > Game DVR > Audio.

This means that you now can simply to connect your headset to your PC, then to turn microphone recording on or off for a gaming session by pressing Windows + Alt + M.

The feature is now ready for testing, but you’ll need to be running the latest Windows 10 Insider Preview and the Xbox (beta) app. Secondly, Microsoft is now also enabling voice recording for your Game DVR clips on your PC.