Still 7.5 release Basic dates for the initial and bugfix releases The simplified graphic below shows three releases placed on a timeline consisting of 24 months. Such problem would shift the final release by one week or even more. An extra RC might be needed if the final release candidate does not fit the Release Criteria. Note that the dates mentioned in the schedule might get shifted if there are serious technical or other problems with the release. More conservative users are advised to wait for a later X.Y.Z bugfix release. The first X.Y.0 release is intended for early adopters. In addition, they get many pure bugfix micro releases. As a result, users get new major version every six months with a wide range of features, fixes, and enhancements.There are 2 branches: Fresh (the newest release) and Still (the previous release), which are intended for mainstream feature users and conservative, corporate deployments respectively.Thus if you have a need for the very highest quality version, it can make sense to defer a move until the first or perhaps second minor point release. It is also the case that we will necessarily release earlier, and then rapidly, incrementally bug fix releases based on the previous stable version. This enforces discipline in introducing fixes, gives predictability, and allows more regular releasing. A time based release is one that does not wait for either features, or bug fixes - but is based (as purely as possible) on time. Time-based release trains have been shown to produce the best quality Free software.In consequence, we aim at six monthly releases, and over time nudge them to align well with the March/September norms. Synchronizing time-based release schedule with the wider Free Software ecosystem also has huge advantages, by getting our new features, out to users as quickly as possible – with a minimum of distribution cycle lag.Gnome) and are at least one month ahead major Linux distribution releases. LibreOffice does bi-annual, predictable releases that are in sync with other Free Software projects (eg.

Time-based release trains have been shown to produce the best quality Free software.